Which font is suitable for name tags?

Saturday, September 15, 2018

namensschild-polar-fuer-kleidung-555566_m.jpgWith the large number of fonts that a word processing program offers, it makes sense to let your creativity run free. But only a few fonts are useful for writing on name tags .

meaning of name tags

The sign is intended to inform strangers of the name of his counterpart. If you pay attention to this, you really can't make a mistake. Name tags are primarily useful and not an ornament for the wearer's clothing. Of course, this also applies to a letter box sign or a door sign. Note the distance from which a normal-sighted person must be able to recognize the name.

This clearly means that he can read the writing intuitively at a glance . Nobody wants to get within a few centimeters of a name tag just to find out the name. In order for this to succeed, not only the font size is important. Also important are:

- Contrast between the background and the writing
- The graphic design
- The font

Black lettering on a white background is advantageous and timeless. This may seem boring, but it has the advantage of being easy to read. A clean print with clear edges is also helpful.namensschilder-lesbarkeit_m.jpg

Fonts to avoid

A beautifully curved "handwriting" has a decorative and individual effect. But therein lies the problem. The reader first has to adjust to the typeface, which makes it difficult to grasp the name at a glance.

Serifs , i.e. decorative endings on the letters or other decorative elements are also not useful in recognizing a name. Remember this is a name tag and not a cake topper. Decorations of any kind distract from the information and impair readability.

Legible fonts

Most sans serif fonts such as Helvetica , Frutiger , Optima and Futura but also Arial are ideal for designing a name tag. Look around the Internet using the keywords sans serif , sans serif or sans serif fonts . You're sure to find a font that stands out but is easy to read.

Useful for design

Do not overload the name tag. If participants in a conference address each other by their first names , it makes no sense to mention academic degrees and last names. Conversely, the name of the person on formal occasions does not always have to be on the sign.

Write the most important information at the beginning and as large as possible. If the first name is desired as a form of address, it is placed at the beginning, followed by the last name and possibly a title.

Basically, stick to a font once you've chosen it . This applies to all writing on the name tag, but also to the writing on all signs.

An exception is allowed if the company logo contains a font that is difficult to read, choose a font that is easy to read for the lettering. In the long term it even makes sense to change the logo, because clear fonts without embellishments are also an advantage on the website.
Related links:
Name tags in the online shop Blog article: Why a name tag should be more than just a name tag Blog article: Can employers ask for name tags? Blog article: Name tags in comparison