Comparison of information boards

Saturday, February 15, 2020

The information board is one of the most common media of visual communication. The magnetic boards, pin boards and whiteboards unobtrusively inform employees, customers or visitors - depending on the location. They are easy to use and provide up-to-date information. There is a variety of information boards that offer their own advantages and differ in terms of materials, how the information is attached and possible uses.schreib-board-schwarz-design-modern-91819_m.jpg


The classic among the information boards is the chalk board . The classic variant is a wooden board. However, the modern chalkboards are also made of metal or glass and dark - black, brown or green - matt enamelled.

You can write or draw on a chalk board with white or colored chalk . Wiping is usually done with a damp cloth or sponge. A small disadvantage of the chalkboard is the resulting chalk dust.

In the past, chalkboards were mainly used in schools and institutes, where they were mounted on the wall. In the meantime, this type of labeling is also not uncommon in seminars and training courses. In addition, the chalkboards are used as a free-standing customer stopper in front of cafes, snack bars, etc.


rollbare-glastafel-91862_m.jpg An alternative to chalkboards are user-friendly whiteboards , which are becoming more and more popular and have long been a part of modern office equipment. Usually they are made of white plastic or enamelled sheet metal . The whiteboards are very stable, scratch-resistant and suitable for long-term use.

The information is written on the enamel board with a whiteboard marker and can be dry wiped. But a whiteboard offers another advantage: it is often magnetic, so that the paper notices can be attached via magnets and quickly exchanged.

The mounting method of a whiteboard depends on the board model: it can be fixed to the wall or flexibly attached (using a suspension rail). Some models are equipped with castors and are therefore particularly mobile. The whiteboards are used in many areas: in seminar rooms, meeting rooms, training facilities, offices, etc

Interactive whiteboard

The usual whiteboards are often used as a screen for a projector or a document camera. This is particularly helpful when conducting seminars, conferences and meetings.

If the whiteboard is connected to a computer or a network, it is an interactive or digital whiteboard . You can then not only play digital files, images and videos, but also digitally save the notes and annotations made.

Labeling is done with an interactive wireless pen or with finger pressure (depending on the model). Interactive boards make presentations, meetings and trainings more effective, but they are quite expensive in price.glastafel-rot-rahmenlos-fuer-buero-91819_m.jpg

glass panel

Glass panels are made of tempered safety glass. This glass is high quality and very stable. The glassboards fulfill the functions of a whiteboard: they can be written on with a glassboard marker and have a magnetic surface.

The glass panels can be made in white as well as in other colors, eg red, blue or black. The type of installation is also similar with the whiteboards - fixed to the wall, flexible in combination with a suspension rail or mobile with the castors .

The use of the glass boards in schools or kindergartens would be undesirable because of the risk of breakage. In a company, however, the glass panels are used with pleasure and are popular thanks to their very high-quality surface.korktafel-langlebig-91855_m.jpg

cork bulletin board

Pinboards differ from other information boards in that the information sheets are attached to the board with pins. Direct labeling is not possible. The frame of such a pin board is usually made of aluminium, the surface can be cork, textile (e.g. felt) or textile fiber with a metal grid.

The cork is durable, environmentally friendly and cheap. There are no holes in the cork board after the punctures, so the information board can be used for years without showing any visible signs of wear.

The natural color of the cork surface also makes this information board a decorative part in the office, in the waiting room of a doctor's surgery, in a club, in the home office, in schools, kindergartens, etc.textile-pinnwand-91838_m.jpg

Textile pin board

The felt boards are used as pin boards for attaching the paper notices. The felt structure also leaves the puncture marks invisible. While the cork boards look more natural and authentic, the felt boards have a more modern and high-quality look. The color of the felt coating can also be chosen to match the corporate identity.

If you want something very modern: the combination of textile fiber and metal grid creates a magnetic textile pin board (e.g. Franken Textiltafel Pin'n'Mag). On the one hand, the information is attached with the pins like on the usual pin board, on the other hand - with the magnets like on the whiteboard or glassboard. An extremely practical 2-in-1 solution for companies, businesses, trade fairs, etc

planning board

The planning boards or planning boards help to plan the working time and to organize it more effectively, whether for a week or for a whole year. The planning board shows dates of projects, holiday plans, conferences as well as deadlines or birthdays in a clear and structured way.

The internal information is thus freely accessible to all employees at any time. The planners have an aluminum frame and a magnetic surface marked with appropriate fields. The notes are written down with the colored whiteboard markers or attached with assorted magnets. Some models can also serve as an annual calendar.

groove board

The grooved boards have an aluminum frame and a grooved rubber surface. Placed in the entrance area, they provide important information to employees, customers and visitors. As a rule, the grooved board is black with white plastic letters and numbers.

These information boards often serve as welcome boards, signposts, boards for announcements or operational information. The digits and letters are offered in different sizes, can be easily inserted and exchanged. The grooved boards are wall-mounted or free-standing and used in hotels, restaurants, hospitals, conference centers, etc.

Advantages and disadvantages of the information boards: comparison

material writable Magnetic attach notices interactive Price
chalkboard usually wood Yes, with chalk No No No Cheap
whiteboard white plastic or enamelled sheet metal Yes, with board markers Yes Yes, via magnets No Relatively cheap
Digital whiteboard touch screen Yes, with a wireless pen or with the touch of a finger No No Yes Very expensive
glass panel toughened safety glass Yes, with board markers Yes Yes, via magnets No Relative expensive
cork bulletin board cork No No Yes, via pins No Cheap
Textile pin board Textile (felt or similar) No No Yes, via pins No Relatively cheap
Magnetic textile notice board Textile (felt or similar) and metal grid No Yes Yes, via pins or magnets No Relatively cheap


The information boards present important information in an orderly, clear and quickly interchangeable manner. In this way, they optimize work processes and support visual communication.
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