Name tags for practice

Sunday, January 1, 2023


Why is the name tag necessary?

Long gone are the days when doctors and other practice staff appeared impersonally in front of patients in their white coats. Nowadays the practices have modern work clothes with name tags . From the name bages , the patient gets an idea of ​​who belongs to the practice staff, their names and occupation. A small detail such as a name tag on the staff gives the patient a sense of well-being.

recognition of practice

In addition to the "nominal" purpose of naming the wearer, the practice name tags also serve to identify them, they contribute to the appearance of the practice . The practice logo can be printed on the name tag. It looks particularly attractive when the logo protrudes from the staff sign at the top left or right.

If the practice does not have its own logo, a standard logo could be used , such as common symbols Vitruvian Man or Asclepius. There are also many symbols that are usually associated with the specialty. These include, for example, "heart" for a cardiology practice, "tooth" for a dentist's practice or "eye" for an ophthalmologist's practice, etc. These symbols can be printed on the practice's name badges instead of the logo.

The name badges with a colored cover contribute to the corporate identity . Each color designates a department of the practice, which also facilitates internal orientation.

Name tags for the practice team

The quality of the name badges does not play the last role for the practical perception. For the permanent staff of the practice, they should preferably be made of metal or acrylic glass and have their names firmly printed on them. In the event that new employees join the practice or the temporary worker is deployed, you should have a few blank name tags on hand, which are equipped with exchangeable paper cards. In this way, the entire practice team is quickly provided with suitable uniform name badges.
Related links:
Name tags in the online shop Blog article: Why a name tag should be more than a name tag Blog article: Name tags in comparison Blog article: Which font is suitable for name tags